My visit to Maison Claire Fontaine

Ruby visited Maison Claire Fontaine with her school when she was 12. In this video she shares some of her thoughts and memories with us.

Paintballing and orienteering 2

Welcome to the MCF Pupils’ Area

If you are reading this then you are probably going to be travelling on a school trip to us here at Maison Claire Fontaine in France. We hope that you are really excited and that just reading this sentence makes you smile.

Everybody involved in helping to make this experience happen for you hopes that you will have the most amazing time.

School trips are a really important part of your time at school, helping you go out into the world in a safe and secure way. Not only will you be able to discover for yourself new things about the world that you live in, you will also find out more about yourself as a person. Perhaps this will be through tasting, trying or seeing new things. It doesn’t matter what exactly since it is different for everybody. The really important thing is to have an open mind to new things and to discover things for yourself by experiencing them directly.

If you aren’t sure about the importance of your school trip just ask any adult that you know to tell you about a trip that they went on when they were your age. Many of them will have very happy and often funny memories of what they did. What makes this so interesting is that they remember their trips much more clearly than any normal days they spent at school.

What this tells you is that you are about to make memories that will be with you for the rest of your life. It isn’t very often that you know in advance that this is what you are about to do so think about that and make the most of what is about to happen.

The clever thing about knowing this is that you can pay special attention to what you are experiencing and fully commit yourself 110% to the experience. That way you know that you are making the very best of the trip and that you are giving yourself every possible opportunity to create those lifelong memories.

I wish that I had been told all this before I went on my own school trips and that is what has made me write this for you now.

So from the first morning departure (often an early start) through to your return to your school you have to focus on what is going to make your time away the best it can possibly be. Our deepest wish at Maison Claire Fontaine is for you is to make the very best of every opportunity you are given and that the trip that you are about to go on is a really big moment in your development as a person and your time at your school.

Please give it your best shot and have the most fantastic time and enjoy the happy memories that you are going to be making which will stay with you for years to come.

"Bonjour tout le monde! Je m'appelle Sophie et l'année dernière je suis allée à MCF avec ma classe et mes professeurs. A mon avis c'était le début de ma passion pour la langue et la culture. A MCF j'ai appris beaucoup de grammaire et vocabulaire utiles.
Je voulais apprendre autant je pouvais, et parler anglais le moins possible afin de pouvoir être en immersion complète dans ce pays. J'ai trouvé que le voyage était super, très enrichissant et après que je sois revenue en Angleterre, je voulais vraiment retourner en France ! Donc pour l'échange j'ai décidé d'aller dans un collège français. Par hasard ma tante vit en France, donc j'acheté un billet d'avion et j'ai commencé au collège le 22 Février. Chaque jour je parlais seulement en français et je prenais toutes mes leçons en français.
Plus je passais de temps avec des locaux, plus je parlais, je comprenais, et je pensais en français. Je me suis fait beaucoup d'amis et je me suis bien amusée. Et enfin, je sais que c'est difficile d'apprendre une langue mais il faut continuer à pratiquer et étudier, il faut persévérer, parce que parler une langue étrange est très spécial, et peut donner beaucoup d'opportunités. Je vous souhaite le meilleur voyage."
Sophie – Windermere School

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